At EcoClean Dry Carpet Cleaning in Long Beach, we know that a fresh clean carpet can immediately improve the appearance of your whole entire home, and when your carpet looks clean, your whole house looks cleaner. But only if it’s done right! An untrained technician using inferior and or toxic products that do not remove all the stains completely, can cause irreversible damage to your homes carpets. At EcoClean dry carpet cleaning in Long Beach California, we only use the highest quality green chemistry chemicals, along with the industries best and highest quality low moisture carpet cleaning equipment. At EcoClean carpet cleaning in Long Beach We’ve Got It Down To An Exact Science! My name is Wayne Basgall I have been cleaning carpets in the Long Beach area for over a decade. I was with 1-800 Dry Carpet previously as a founding franchisee, who helped develope one of the most cutting edge carpet cleaning systems on the planet. After the fanchise disolved in 2013, I founded EcoClean Dry Carpet Cleaning, improving once again on our Signature Dry Organic Carpet Cleaning Services in Long Beach, Huntington Beach and Greater Orange and Los Angeles County Areas.